Rämistrasse 27: Adian, Amstutz, Belcher, Ben, Bourgeat, Da Mata, Dussoix, Eiben, Herdeg, Kassay, Marcel, Mattioli, Mercier, Miller, Mosset, Rabus, Reist, Robert-Tissot, Sister, Szarek, Thurman, Ullrich, Wachholz
7 March30 March 2019




Rämistrasse 27

Justin Adian, Donato Amstutz, Alan Belcher, Ben, Lilian Bourgeat, Francisco da Mata, Hadrien Dussoix, Henrik Eiben, Christian Herdeg, Jacob Kassay, Didier Marcel, Pietro Mattioli, Mathieu Mercier, Gerold Miller, Olivier Mosset, Till Rabus, Delphine Reist, Christian Robert- Tissot, Sergio Sister, Vincent Szarek, Blair Thurman, Wolfram Ullrich, Thomas Wachholz


After twelve years at Zurich’s Löwenbräu site, Céline Lange and Stefano Pult are delighted to open a new gallery at Rämistrasse 27 in the heart of Zurich, between Lake Zurich and the Kunsthaus. This important step in the history of lange + pult is to be celebrated with a large-scale group exhibition with the gallery’s artists: Justin Adian, Donato Amstutz, Alan Belcher, Ben, Lilian Bourgeat, Francisco da Mata, Hadrien Dussoix, Henrik Eiben, Christian Herdeg, Jacob Kassay, Didier Marcel, Pietro Mattioli, Mathieu Mercier, Gerold Miller, Olivier Mosset, Till Rabus, Delphine Reist, Christian Robert-Tissot, Sergio Sister, Vincent Szarek, Blair Thurman, Wolfram Ullrich and Thomas Wachholz.

The comprehensive exhibition concisely depicts the program of lange + pult, which focuses on positions from conceptual art, Minimal Art, and three-dimensional abstraction. With Ben Vautier, Olivier Mosset, and Christian Herdeg, three artists of a now older generation are represented who pioneered their field. Olivier Mosset